More Than Words: brilliant writers who make brands brilliant too.


In the world we live in today, words often play the sidekick. We make words the HERO so that people, products, brands, organisations and ideas sound their best – with a little added extra. We like to call it WORDS+.

We create depth, character and a distinct voice, so that your audience believes in you – then acts.


Ideas and insight from the worlds of journalism, brand consultancy and speechwriting to go beyond copywriting and instead, interrogate lazy language, clichés, spin and jargon.

And because we often began somewhere outside your sector, we like to challenge you with a fresh perspective – that ultimately, gives you the edge.


Brand manifestos, websites, hashtags and words for your product packaging, digital mailers or blogs. Anything that builds brand influence or generates a connection with your customers. Our journalists can also craft editorial articles, ghostwrite books – or edit, iron and refresh your existing copy in our dedicated WORD LAUNDRY. We can even write speeches, pitches or video scripts if you need others to like the sound of your voice.


Everything from AI to amazing kebabs and Helen Mirren (although not all at the same time). We’ve also written about energy saving apps, the future of work, catwalk trends, Olympic sports, science, property, men in pink shirts, spas, fitness and Silicon Valley venture capitalism.

We do all this for big brands, small start-ups, national magazines and newspapers, entrepreneurs and individuals. *


* We’ve even been asked to ‘polish’ members’ clubs applications and ‘enhance’ a Wikipedia page to make a second wife look much more impressive than the first. But that’s another story.

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